There are ten mysteries that still shroud the specifics human brain. Scientists are still trying to find a scientific explanation. But it remains a mystery is the secret life of God’s creation is incredible. Next 10 mystery about the human brain that we experience every day, but still we can not afford to find the cause.
1. Awareness
When up in the morning, we will be aware of sleep. Enjoy the sun from the window slit, and the cool morning air, and so on. We call for awareness. This field is a complex topic that covered the period since scientists first. Specialists neurologi current awareness describes as a realistic research topic.
2. Lifestyle frozen
Eternal life that only exists in the human illusion. But scientists have found cryonic, findings that are able to create human life has two. One of the central cryonic is Alcor Life Extension Foundation, in Arizona, save the mortal body in tubes containing liquid nitrogen with a temperature of 320 Fahrenheit minud.
The idea is that people have died due to illness will be melted and turned on again in the future when the disease can be cured. Remains Ted Williams, baseball players celebrated stored here. Because the technology has not been found, the revival has not been done. but the body is “dilelehkan” with the right temperature so that the cell-selnya frozen and split.
3. Death mystery
How do people get old? man born with a mechanism that the body is able to survive from the disease. That’s why wounds can heal itself tanta treated. But as the age increases, the mechanism is to decline, so why can? There are two theoretical explanations. First, penuaan is part of human genetics. Second, penuaan is the result of cells that the body is broken.
4. Nature vs Asuhan
The debate about the human mind and personality are still berkutat between the two things above. The personality and the human mind says is controlled by genes or environment, or can be both? Still not there is agreement among scientists about this.
5. Triggers brain
Laughing is the least understood of human behavior. Scientists found that during the laugh, there are three parts of the brain involved. First, the thinking before we understand a joke. Second, the area that tells muscles to move us to do something. Then, an area that arouse emotional tingling.
John Morreall, research scientist humor from College of William and Mary, found that the response is a laugh to play up stories that are not in line with expectations. Also capable of infectious laugh at other people.
6. Remember power
Some difficult to forget the experience, the fact we often forget the important things. How can that happen? using techniques pencitraan brain, scientists find the mechanism responsible for the creation and storage of memory. they find the hippocampus, and gray brain that play a role as a memory. But why have memory that is easy to remember and forget, so still a mystery.
7. Biological clock
Brain also has the suprachiasmatic Nucleus alias biological hours. This section memprogram body to follow the rhythm within 24 hours. Biological clock also adjust the body temperature, sleep wake cycle, as well as hormone melatonin production. The debate is whether the last supplement melatonin is able to prevent jet lag?
8. Be feeling
An estimated 80 percent of the experience including itch sensation, depression, pain and comfort come from the missing body parts. There are people who have experienced the organs that they can not but feel. One explanation is the nerve area in one of the organs that create new konseksi on the spinal cord and continue to send signals to the brain.
9. Sleep
Why do people need to sleep? Scientists understand that all mammals need enough sleep. Not enough time to sleep for prolonged halusinasi will cause even death. There are two levels in the bed, the bed of non-rapid eye movement (NREM), occurred during the low brain activity metabolik. And the level of sleep rapid eye movement (REM), when the brain is still quite active.
10. Dream
In addition to sleep, the dream is also a mystery. Possibility is that a dream is a practice that stimulate the brain synap traffic between brain cells. Another theory about the human dream job and emosinya who had not considered them awake during the day.
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